How does it work?
Wesend a personalized plan to you. We put your plan into action working with Aon Hewitt (your plan’s recordkeeper).
We routinely monitor your account and rebalance as needed. We can consider assets outside your account.
We have advisor representatives you can talk to. We keep you informed with quarterly Retirement Updates.
For Professional Management, the minimum balance is just $5, required operationally to manage the account. Professional Management members have account balances that range from $5 to $5 million.
Through the AAAP, the program fee is about 30% lower than what you might pay on your own.*
portion of account | annual rate | Monthly Amount** |
Up to $100,000 | 0.60% | $5.00 per $10,000 |
Between $100,000 & $250,000 | 0.45% | $3.75 per $10,000 |
Over $250,000 | 0.30% | $2.50 per $10,000 |
$50,000 account balance: $25 a month. ($50,000 × .0060) ÷ 12
$200,000 account balance, $87.50 a month. ($100,000 × .0060) + ($100,000 × .0045) ÷ 12
$400,000 account balance, $143.75 a month. ($100,000×.0060) + ($150,000 × .0045) + ($150,000×.0030) ÷ 12
The program fee is paid from your account quarterly. You can cancel anytime without penalty.
*The industry average is based on the annual AdvisorBenchmarking Study. The Study found that on average, Registered Investment Advisors (RIA) charge 0.92% or $7.67/mo per $10,000 and require a minimum balance of $250,000. 30% fee comparison assumes management of a $100,000 account. Industry average fees shown are subject to change. The AdvisorBenchmarking Study is based upon online surveys of 427 self-selected RIA firms from February to May, 2010. Investment Advisor services vary. Some advisors in the Study may provide different services than Financial Engines Advisors L.L.C.
**Professional Management fees are charged in the frequency and manner detailed in the Terms and Conditions; monthly fee examples are for illustrative purposes only.